Check Floppy Disk for Duplicates will read the directory of the floppy disk in the drive, and compare the files found there to your database. If there are any possible duplications, you are presented with the information on the file, and the possible duplicates, and then given the option to delete or retain the floppy disk file(s). This option will read a file listing, and compare the file names found within to the ones in your ACCESS database. It will create a report or file with the list of duplicates, unique files, and/or percentages. Suggested uses: Deciding whether or not to buy a new CD. Deciding on files to download - do you have them already? <`` You can alter the DOS command shown, then press ENTER to execute the command. Press Esc to exit without executing the command. Multiple commands can be executed by typing them all in, separated by the "^" symbol. I.E.: DIR^PAUSE will do a directory of the current directory, then pause. Because the program must shell out to DOS between each command, and then return, the "->" feature has been added so that an internal change directory then return to the original directory can be executed without the delay of shelling out to DOS. This is very useful for unzipping files into a particular directory. For example, PKUNZIP FILE -> E:\TEMP change to drive E:, change to the \TEMP directory, unzip the file, then change back to what was the current drive and directory. The DOS piping features (">" "<") work as normal. For larger numbers of DOS commands, executing the command "COMMAND" is recommended (press EXIT when done). ?`` CD-ROM DRIVE LETTER - what letter does DOS use to refer to your CD player? DEFAULT COMMAND - When CTRL-X is pressed in the file tables, a window is opened in which you can type in any DOS command. The command you specify here as the default will be automatically placed in the window for you. You can still edit the command line before it is executed. VIEWERS - When ENTER is pressed, the highlighted file may be viewed. Enter the name (and path if necessary) of each of the file viewers you wish to use in these 3 lines. Include any parameters (I.E. use PKZIP -V to view, not just PKZIP or PKUNZIP). There is an internal text file viewer if you do not have one, but it can only be used on files roughly 100K and less in size. If you would like to use it rather than shelling to an external text file viewer, specify INTERNAL on the text viewer line. TARGET DIRECTORY - the default directory to which files will be copied from the CD when CTRL-C or CTRL-Z is pressed (copy or unzip commands in the file tables). You can still alter the destination directory after you press those keys. PATH TO MAIN DATABASES - the directory where FILEDATA.* and DIRECTRY.* are located. This is set by the installation program, but advanced users can use this when those files are moved to point to their new location. **NOVICE USERS SHOULD USE THE INSTALL PROGRAM AGAIN INSTEAD OF CHANGING THIS HERE** This function will read a DOS directory from the CD-ROM drive, and correct the information stored in the UCDMGR database if necessary. To correct information for an entire CD in one shot, please use the utility called FIXDISC.EXE that may have been included with the UCDMGR archive. If it has not been included, please check with the source of the UCDMGR archive for UCDFDATE.ARJ. <`` Use the ARROW UP and DOWN, PAGE UP and DOWN, and CTRL-PAGE-UP and CTRL-PAGE-DOWN to highlight the directory you want, then press ENTER. Pressing alphanumeric keys will "locate" - for example, pressing PCB would move the highlight bar to the directory PCBoard. >`` Esc - Done Viewing The File. - Use Cursor Keys To Scroll Forward, Backward, and Right To Left. (Search string occurances are NOT displayed). PgUp - Move Backward One Full Screen * PgDn - Move Forward One Full Screen * Home - Go to Begining Of File. * End - Go to End Of File * Ctrl-PgUp - Go to Begining Of File. * Ctrl-PgDn - Go to End Of File * * (Will display search string occurances, if any) Ctrl/ - Display Data At Far Right Side Of File. Ctrl/ - Display Data At Far Left Side Of File. Ctrl-J - Jump to line (requires user input) Ctrl-S - Search for string (requires user input) Ctrl-F - Search for string (requires user input) Ctrl-N - Search for next occurance of string already specified. Ctrl-X - Execute a DOS Command (requires user input) Press ESC To Return to Program FILES.BBS come in many different formats. Format Configuration allows you to define what these formats look like, so that you may import and export them. This function allows you to convert a DOS text file from one format to another. Please note that you MUST specify a different name for the output file than for the input file. <`` This option will go through the CD-ROM Manager database, and compare the file names for the CD you select with the file names for the other CDs in your collection. If they match closely enough, they will be considered duplicates, and added to the report with whatever options you choose. <`` FILES.BBS come in many different formats. Format Configuration allows you to define what these formats look like, so that you may import and export them. If a field is missing from a format, or should not be output, simply mark its location as starting in column 0. The file name may not be excluded, for obvious reasons. <`` Use ARROW-UP and -DOWN, PAGE-UP and -DOWN, and CTRL-PAGE-UP and CTRL-PAGE-DOWN to highlight a directory, then press ENTER. You will then be presented with a list of files in that directory, which you may view, copy, or execute any valid DOS command on. H`` FILES.BBS come in many different formats. Format Configuration allows you to define what these formats look like, so that you may import and export them. If a field is missing, simply mark its location as starting in column 0. The file name may not be excluded, for obvious reasons. <`` Importing File Information Source - the text file that contains the file names, sizes, dates, and descriptions for ONE directory located on a CD-ROM. Ensure that the layout of the text file is already described in the Format Configuration option. - If adding to an existing CD, use the F5 key to pop-up a list of CDs, and select from there. Otherwise, type in a new 15 character title for your CD. Uppercase is recommended. Directory - Ensure that the title you give this directory is different than previous ones that you have added, or the program will assume that the file information being imported belongs in the existing directory. Importing File Information Source - the text file that contains the file names, sizes, dates, and descriptions for ONE directory located on a CD-ROM. Ensure that the layout of the text file is already described in the Format Configuration option. - If adding to an existing CD, use the F5 key to pop-up a list of CDs, and select from there. Otherwise, type in a new 15 character title for your CD. Uppercase is recommended. Directory - Ensure that the title you give this directory is different than previous ones that you have added, or the program will assume that the file information being imported belongs in the existing directory. This function builds a table that contains only the file entries with your Search Phrase contained in the file name or description. Use ARROW-UP and -DOWN, PAGE-UP and -DOWN, and CTRL-PAGE-UP and CTRL-PAGE-DOWN to highlight a file. Typing with the normal Alphanumeric Keys (I.E.: 1 G P) will find the first file that starts with that letter, or those letters. Pressing the arrow keys clears the "locator". Backspace should be used to back up if you press the wrong letter(s). Pressing ENTER allows you to edit the file's information. CTRL-V and CTRL-X can be used to View and/or Run the file that is highlighted. H`` Use the ARROW UP and DOWN, PAGE UP and DOWN, and CTRL-PAGE-UP and CTRL-PAGE-DOWN to highlight the CD-ROM you want, then press ENTER. >`` The 640 Meg Shareware Studio Series Data Express, Inc. Access Program (c) 1993 Vince Sorensen ACCESS - View scrolling tables of file names and descriptions, with options to copy, unzip, or view. SEARCH TABLE - Same as above, except displays only files that meet user-specified search criteria UTILITIES - Check your floppy disks for files that are on this CD, and change formats of file listings already on your hard drive. REPORTS - Create a FILES.BBS (file output name can be specified) in any format you choose; compare file listing to file database. CONFIGURATION - Customize ACCESS to suit your system; specify ZIP, text and GIF viewers as well as default commands. FILE LISTING FORMATS - Set up formats for FILES.BBS output. Please consult the documentation for set-up procedures. CD-ROM manufacturers often alter the file names slightly in order to meet ISO-9660 standards. Typically this means removing leading characters or altering them, such as changing #1KEEN.ZIP to 1KEEN.ZIP or _1KEEN.ZIP. This program therefore ignores # $ _ - and ! characters when comparing file names. The user can define additional "non-standard" characters to be ignored, but the key words in the database must be updated after doing so. This function rebuilds those key words. <`` Recreate File Listings A.K.A. Create FILES.BBS Although the FILES.BBS included on this CD are useful for most bulletin board system, you have the option of creating your own customized FILES.BBS for any directories you choose. You can also print the file listing for any directory by specifying "PRN" as the file output. <`` This function builds a table that contains only the file entries with your Search Phrase contained in the file name or description. Use ARROW-UP and -DOWN, PAGE-UP and -DOWN, and CTRL-PAGE-UP and CTRL-PAGE-DOWN to highlight a file. Typing with the normal Alphanumeric Keys (I.E.: 1 G P) will find the first file that starts with that letter, or those letters. Pressing the arrow keys clears the "locator". Backspace should be used to back up if you press the wrong letter(s). Pressing ENTER allows you to view (or execute, if appropriate) the highlighted file. CTRL-X can be used to Execute a DOS Command. CTRL-C will copy the file to a specified drive and directory. CTRL-Z will unzip the file to a specified drive and directory. SPACE can be used to tag files for use with the commands marked with a . F10 clears all tags. H`` This function builds a table that contains only the file entries with your Search Phrase contained in the file name or description. Use ARROW-UP and -DOWN, PAGE-UP and -DOWN, and CTRL-PAGE-UP and CTRL-PAGE-DOWN to highlight a file. Typing with the normal Alphanumeric Keys (I.E.: 1 G P) will find the first file that starts with that letter, or those letters. Pressing the arrow keys clears the "locator". Backspace should be used to back up if you press the wrong letter(s). Pressing ENTER allows you to view (or execute, if appropriate) the highlighted file. CTRL-X can be used to Execute a DOS Command. CTRL-C will copy the file to your hard drive, or wherever you specify. CTRL-Z will unzip the file to your hard drive, or wherever you specify. H`` Type in the phrase for which you wish to search. If you use the characters '*' or '?', they will work the same as DOS wildcards. Examples (the indicates they would be found) !FILE*DESC .ZIP 3/??/92 EAT*WORM FILE.ZIP 01/12/88 DESCRIPTION ANT.ZIP 03/17/92 SMALL INSECT PEST.ZIP 11/05/93 BOTHERSOME BIRD.ZIP 02/02/93 EATS WORMS WORM.ZIP 05/02/93 EATS DIRT Case is ignored. H`` USING TABLES ACTION Insert Add a Record Delete Delete a Record Enter Edit a Record Exit to the Previous Screen Arrow Up/Down Scroll through the table Page Up/Down Scroll through the table, one page at a time Ctrl-Page-Up Top of the List Ctrl-Page-Down Bottom of the List LOCATOR FIELDS are also sometimes available. By typing in the characters you would like to find, the table display will locate a record. For Example, typing NI will find the first record with the key word that begins with an NI. - Use ARROW-UP and -DOWN, PAGE-UP and -DOWN, and CTRL-PAGE-UP and CTRL-PAGE-DOWN to highlight a file. Typing with the normal Alphanumeric Keys (I.E.: 1 G P) will find the first file that starts with that letter, or those letters. Pressing the arrow keys clears the "locator". Backspace should be used to back up if you press the wrong letter(s). - ENTER will allow you to view or run the highlighted file. What action is taken depends on the file extension. For example, JUMP.EXE would be run while JUMP.GIF would be viewed using the GIF Viewer you specified in the configuration section. - CTRL-S will search the file lists in the current order, from the current location for a specific phrase. CTRL-N finds the next occurrance. - CTRL-X allows you to execute any command on a CD-ROM file, whether that be copying it to your hard drive, unarchiving it, or any other valid DOS command. CTRL-C executes a copy to the default target directory. CTRL-Z pkunzips the file to the default target directory. - SPACE tags/untags a file for later use with the CTRL-X, CTRL-C, and CTRL-Z commands. F10 untags all files. H`` USING TABLES ACTION Insert Add a Record Delete Delete a Record Enter Edit a Record/Select a Record Exit to the Previous Screen Arrow Up/Down Scroll through the table Page Up/Down Scroll through the table, one page at a time Ctrl-Page-Up Top of the List Ctrl-Page-Down Bottom of the List LOCATOR FIELDS are also sometimes available. By typing in the characters you would like to find, the table display will locate a record. For Example, typing NI will find the first record with the key word that begins with an NI. This option will go through the CD-ROM Manager database, and compare the file names for the CD you select with the file names for the other CDs in your collection. If none match closely enough, they will be considered unique, and added to the report with whatever options you choose. <`` You can alter the file information shown, use CTRL-V to View/Execute the file, or CTRL-X to execute a DOS command. Ctrl-Enter can be used to save changes. Pressing the Escape key on the first field on the screen allows you to exit without saving your changes. The Extended Description field has a number of special features making it similar to a mini-text editor. Auto- word wrap is supported, and arrow keys work as they would in a word processor rather than moving you between fields. You must press ESCAPE to back up to the previous field, and either press ENTER on the last line of this field or CTRL-ENTER on any line of this field to accept your changes and move on to the next field. H`` !CHKFLP CH_DUPESB COMMAND CONFIG CORRECT DIRECTRY DISP_HLP DOS_FMT # DUPES FF_UPDATH! FIND_DIR FMTCONFI IMPORTFI IMPORTIN LONGSEAR LOOKUPCDI4 MAIN REBUILD j: RECREATE SEARCH _@ SEARCHF SEARCHINTJ SHO_FN _N TABLE TABLES UX UNIQUE UPDATE